Trust is a very popular hand cannon in Destiny 2. The weapon was first seen in Season 4 of the game and was vaulted soon after. However, Bungie added the weapon once again in Season of Defiance, with a host of new perks that make it relevant in the current meta. Although the hand cannon meta isn't in a very good state right now, with the right perks, players can fend off for themselves in both PvP and PvE activities.
How to get Trust in Destiny 2
Trust is a Gambit-only weapon, so in order to get this, players will have to complete Gambit matches. Ideally, winning matches increases the chances of acquiring this weapon but just completing them works as well. Unfortunately, there's no way to focus this hand cannon, which many players find mildly disappointing.
The weapon does have an interesting perk pool, so here are the perks that players need to keep an eye out for while farming Trust in Destiny 2 during the Season of Defiance.
Best Trust PvP perks
Hand cannons are not a part of the Season 20 meta, but in the right hands, they perform really well. On that note, the following perks work well for Trust in PvP.
Barrel: Arrowhead Brake ( Recoil +4, Handling +10)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (+10 Range)
Perk 1: Opening Shot (Grants enhanced accuracy on the opening shot of each attack) / Hip Fire Grip (Increases accuracy, stability, and precision hit targeting when firing from the hip) / Snapshot Sights (Increased aim down the sights speed).
Perk 2: Rangefinder (Aiming this weapon increases effective zoom magnification and range) / Rampage (Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage, stacking thrice) / Explosive Payload (Projectiles create an AoE explosion on impact).
Best Trust PvE perks
For now, the weapon is better suited to PvE activities in Destiny 2. Since it's a Solar hand cannon, it works very well with Solar builds. Here are some of the perks that work in its favor:
Barrel: Arrowhead Brake ( Recoil +4, Handling +10)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (+10 Range)
Perk 1: Hip Fire Grip (Increases accuracy, stability, and precision hit targeting when firing from the hip) / Triple Tap (Rapidly landing precision hits will return one round to the magazine).
Perk 2: Incandescent (Defeating a target spreads scorch to nearby enemies. Guardians and powerful enemies spread scorch in a larger radius)/ Rampage ( Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage, stacking thrice) / Explosive Payload (Projectiles create an AoE explosion on impact).
Unfortunately, this weapon doesn't drop with the Field Tested perk. This is a new perk that drops on specific Gambit weapons in Destiny 2. But even without it, Trust is a fairly decent weapon with decent damage output.
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